
how to lay the ground work first so you can build trust within your body.
intro into blood work & the “rebuild” program

the “why” behind this course…

Over the last 8+ months, I’ve had the opportunity to look at many different blood work results and create individualized protocols for each person. However, I started to notice that most of us (myself included) aren’t consistently doing the “foundations” that would allow for significant improvements within our health prior to even addressing labs.

We often want to invest in the “next-best-thing” or product to support our bodies, when in reality…God has given us access to these “foundations” for minimal to no cost at all.

If you aren’t focusing on the foundations (breath work, prayer, sleep, water intake, protein intake, balanced plates, movement etc.) you’re body will not fully benefit from supplementation, red light therapy, chiropractic care, joining a gym…the list goes on & on.

about the course.

This course was created to give you the tools necessary to both better understand what the “foundations” are, as well as implement and practice them so they become consistent habits.

This is the first place I suggest everyone starts because these practices are ones that can significantly improve your negative symptoms & will prepare you for your blood draw + consultation that will come after you complete this 8-week course.

foundations - the course
One time
For 2 months

Build the ground work, establish healthy rhythms, and dig deeper into the root-cause of your most persistent symptoms. Within this self-paced 8 week course, you will create a firm foundation to rebuild your body upon.

✓ 8 modules to take you through the core "foundations"
✓ exclusive podcasts based on each foundational habit
✓ reflection guides & weekly progress assessments
✓ automatic eligibility for blood work & 1:1 coaching
✓ unlimited lifetime access

what’s included in the program:

  • 8 different modules & reflections so you can pace yourself as your body adapts and heals naturally

  • Weekly self-assessments on your vision & goals so you can monitor and celebrate your progress

  • how to calculate your ideal water intake and tips to make this habit stick

  • how to calculate your ideal protein-intake amount based on overall goal of muscle growth, fat loss, or maintenance

  • movement focused goals specific to the needs of your body, all while understanding your own limits + increasing them over time

  • breath work practices that alleviate stress and build a level of trust within your body

  • my best tips and tricks for getting a better night of sleep (and staying asleep) — aka cortisol regulation and melatonin production

  • build the ground work

    Bring it “back to the basics” — no matter how advanced your health regime is, if these foundational habits are not being consistently practiced…we won’t have a firm foundation to grow upon.

  • establish healthy rhythms

    Healthy rhythms don’t need to take you hours or feel overwhelming to start with. These habits should be a solid framework for supporting weak organs, minimizing negative symptoms, and hold you accountable to having grace with yourself.

  • dig deeper

    I want to remind you that this is your initial 8-weeks of healing…but the journey isn’t often short & sweet. From here, we can build upon the progress you’ve made and introduce blood work, additional testing, 1:1 support, and nutritional changes specific to YOU.

week-by-week breakdown

more about the course and what you can expect // take things slow, there’s no need to rush. Maybe it’s time to change your pace & break down the belief that everything needs to happen quickly. I truly believe that the slower you go and the more intention you put into this course, the more you’ll get out of it.

next steps

schedule blood work

& enter into 1:1 coaching



in 2019…

I learned I had two fractured vertebre and a bulging disc in my lower back that was causing my chronic pain. I was put on prescription pain medications, and received two steroid injections but nothing seemed to make the pain tolerable.

I remember crying myself to sleep because I couldn't get comfortable, and frequently feared surgery and weight gain due to me not finding a way of moving my body that felt good. Not only that, but I always felt bloated, and had frequent abdominal pain.

As I got blood work done and noticed my kidneys were no longer functioning properly due to my medications, I knew it was time to make a significant change in how I nourished, moved, and supported my body while it was in a constant state of inflammation.

I now have very minimal back pain, even though my injuries are still present, have not taken a prescription or over-the-counter pain medication in at least three years, and no longer have any of the bloating or discomfort I previously had.

fast forward 4-years…

what changed?

I identified my food intolerances that were causing severe inflammation and focused on consuming anti-inflammatory foods

I found ways outside of the gym to move my body and started doing solely low-impact workouts to decrease my stress & adrenal fatigue

I improved relationships in my own life & found a partner that made me see my worth, and loves, supports, and treats me how I now know I deserve to be treated.

I’m ready to invest time into
implementing the foundations.