blood work consultation
Get to the root-cause of what’s going on & uncover the answers you have been searching years to find.
How is this blood work different?
It gives you an accurate picture of what’s going on internally — without accepting that things just look “normal”. If your body feels off and you don’t know why…that’s your body signaling to you that it needs some extra love & support…
that’s where functional labs come in!
you’d benefit from a blood work consultation if you…
have been doing “everything right” but are still not noticing improvements in certain areas of your health
are having a difficult time loosing weight & believe it might be hormonal
have been told your inflammation markers look “normal” but are still struggling with an inflammatory-caused issue or disease
want a very clear picture as to what’s going on in your body & would love to see changes utilizing supplementation and lifestyle vs. (or in conjunction with) medication.
are taking multiple supplements but aren’t sure if they are actually working
feel like you eat a very well balanced diet, but don’t know if it’s making a difference in how your body feels.
Ordering Labs + Consultation: $285-$385
The cost will depend on which labs need to be ordered. Bailey will work with you to decide this based off of your symptoms and health history.
Consultation with previous labs (must < 4 months old): $200
This includes a full blood-work analyzation, in addition to a 1-hour virtual consultation with Bailey to discuss your protocol and steps moving forward.
Continued consultations: $150 per session
Together, we will identify how frequently to meet based off of your lab results. This is highly recommend for long-term results — please note that there is no limit to continued consultations and each client is evaluated and checked-in with every 45-days.
labs + consult = $285
labs + consult = $385
option to add: estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone tests (+ $50)
Let’s work together to create an individualized protocol for you.
I am not currently taking new clients until May 19, 2025 — please fill out the form if you’d like to join the waitlist & be contacted when spots open up. Thank you!
I’m so excited to work with you.
As someone who struggled with chronic pain for multiple years before truly healing my body, I understand how frustrating it is to not feel “normal”. Whether for you it’s pain, injury, auto-immune issues, stress, hormones or you just want to make sure your body is supported, I’ll be here for you every step along the way.
Getting certified in blood work and reading functional labs was a decision made based-off of the needs I was seeing among clients. This work is truly my biggest passion and I can’t wait to see how it helps you rebuild your body to be resilient and high-functioning so you can better show up for not only yourself, but those around you.